PASTEL HOTEL: New Development Proposed at Lincoln Ave. and 24th Street

PASTEL HOTEL: New Development Proposed at Lincoln Ave. and 24th Street

Developers recently made a pitch to the Ogden Planning Commission to construct a Hilton Hotel at the corners of Lincoln Ave. and 24th St.  Currently the site is the home to a grove of trees and an under utilized commercial building.

The proposed hotel will be 23,500 SQFT and host the “Home 2” and “Tru” sub brands that Hilton offers.

While we are excited about the prospect of the city continuing to grow and redevelop, we can’t help but hold our nose at today’s unfortunate architectural trends with gaudy fins, crayon coloring, and a form that challenges the senses.  It appears what passes as en vogue today is nothing more than jumbled masses of geometric nonsense.

Fortunately, the Planning Commission is requiring the developer to tone down the colors to gel with surrounding buildings.  You can read more details about the proposed hotel HERE.


These kinds of projects are slow moving so look for the construction cranes to mark the cityscape over the coming months.