SINKING FEELING: Woods Cross Sagging Foundations and Fortunes

SINKING FEELING:  Woods Cross Sagging Foundations and Fortunes


KUTV recently reported on the prevalence of sinking foundations in subdivisions in Woods Cross, Utah just north of Salt Lake City.  Typically, we find foundation settling in areas where water is prevalent or changes in the water table occur.  In Woods Cross, city officials are still trying to figure out what is causing the problem.

Meanwhile, homeowners are left in the lurch wondering what to do.  Foundation repairs are very expensive.  Yet, a home’s value becomes questionable if its foundation is constantly at risk of being compromised.

Here is video of the KUTV report:

Woods Cross Sinking Homes Foundation Repair

Hopefully these owner may find some emergency relief from State or Federal sources.  Rendering previously inhabitable swaths of land as unlivable is bad for Utah’s communities.  These homes are less than 30 years old and should be viable for at least another 30 mother nature will permit.