CHART OF THE DAY: Market Top? Or Plateau?
Published On: August 2, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson
The bulk of July sales data is in and the trend is looking very interesting this summer in Weber County real estate. While current price per square foot is significantly higher than July of last year, the month over month figures appear to show a flattening in price increases. I will have a video update in mid-August after CPI figures are released. But just a casual first glance at this chart tells us that we are at an inflection point in the market. Will price per square foot drop? Is this a pause where prices tread stead for a period? Or is this just the market taking a breath before surging ever upward? That answer awaits in the coming months!
If you are in the market to sell your home in this seller’s market, give me a call at 801-390-1480.