Browsing Posts From: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – May 2024 – Attaining the Unattainable

May 15, 2024 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

It is time for our Spring market update.  In this episode we talk about house prices and the gap between owning and renting.   If you want to know what you can afford to buy in today’s market, give me a call. 801-390-1480

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Posted In: Research

MARKET UPDATE:  Prices Bump, End of Slump?

March 14, 2024 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The real estate market appears to be finding its footing after a disorienting adjustment to the high interest rates prevailing for mortgages.  While everyone has been waiting for interest rates to drop, those who know seem to indicate we aren’t going to see much change in the near future.  We will have to learn to live in a market as it is rather than as we wish it to be.  So, lets take a moment and see what is.   Sales volumes appears to be stabilizing after more than a […]

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Posted In: Research

Multi Unit Market: Coming Out of Hibernation?

March 4, 2024 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The relatively recent rise in interest rates created an ice storm over the multi-unit real estate market here in Weber County.  Our latest chart shows just how significant the impact has been on sales volume over the past year. The last time Weber County saw multi-unit sales this low was during the dysfunctional mortgage lender meltdown of the Great Financial Crisis.  But unlike last time, when mortgage companies performed hari-kari and disappeared into the scrapbooks of banking history, the current drought in business is strictly related to pricing.  With interest […]

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Posted In: Research

CHARTS: Pent Up Demand?

January 24, 2024 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The recent slump in sales volume has discouraged many in the real estate industry.  However, there are powerful demographic forces lying under the surface that have the potential to kick the market back into overdrive.   To begin our discussion, let’s look at Weber County’s population growth vs. sales volume growth.     In a perfect homogenous world, we would expect sales volume to increase in lockstep with population growth.  Of course, interest rates would never change, the ratio of homeowners to renters would be fixed, people would move-up at fixed […]

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Posted In: Research

MARKET UPDATE: The Great Staring Contest

Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

After a prolonged staring contest, the real estate market is entering a new phase as interest rates have reached a recent peak and market participants acclimate to the new reality of the cost of money. The next chapter will be written in a year promising political, geo-political, and yet-to-be-known fireworks.  Before we prognosticate on what the future holds, let’s take a look at where we left off.   Our inflation adjusted house price chart shows that we ended 2023 just a little above where we started.  A choppy mid-year bump […]

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Posted In: Research

Real Estate Sales vs. Mortgage Rates

October 18, 2023 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

A lot of attention has been paid to mortgage interest rates over the past two years as rates have soared from a low of 2.77% in August 2021 to today’s nosebleed rates approaching 8%.  Obviously, higher rates have translated into lower sales volumes.  But, real estate sales aren’t just affected by the level of interest rates.  They are also affected by the direction and speed which rates move regardless of level. To illustrate the point, let’s take a look at the time period between June and October in both 2022 […]

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Posted In: Research

Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – October 2023 – Market Spooktacular

October 11, 2023 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Due to some technical difficulties with video, today’s market update comes to you in the form of an old fashioned written blog.  So, let’s commence with something we should probably be doing a lot more of anyway…reading. We will start with the villain of today’s story which happens to be 30-Year Mortgage interest rates.  They will be lurking in the background laughing as I present the rest of today’s charts.  As you can see, rates are high and headed higher.  That market is reacting accordingly. Inflation adjusted house prices in […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – March 2023 – Bouncing Houses

March 13, 2023 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Check out the latest charts and graphs as the real estate market continues its dynamic adjustment to mortgage rates and other economic forces.

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – January 2023 – Real(i)ty Check

January 11, 2023 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The market continues to shift. Here is the latest charts, graphs, and stats.     If you need help with buying, selling, or property management, give me a call at 801-390-1480

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – October 2022 – Things I Don’t Want to Tell You

November 9, 2022 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

It’s time for another market update.  This one is a doozer.  Sit down before watching.  The numbers are big.

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Posted In: Research

The Tale of Two Ogdens: East Bench vs. East Central

October 10, 2022 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

In 2014 I wrote about the disparity between two of Ogden’s most prominent neighborhoods, the venerated East Bench and the heretofore notorious East Central now  co-branded as Trolley District.  At that time, with the market beginning to heal from the deep wounds of the 2008-2012 real estate depression, there were some early signs of adjustment between the two neighborhoods. Today we revisit this topic with some new charts to illustrate the point.  Yesteryear’s charts consumed a lot of data and time.  This go around I wanted to illustrate the differences […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – August 2022 – The Tide Goes Out

August 22, 2022 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Broker Jeremy Peterson offers the latest charts and graphs showing the remarkable change in market conditions in Weber County , Utah. To answer questions about this ever changing market, contact Jeremy at 801-390-1480

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – May 2022 – Maximum Market Pain

May 18, 2022 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

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Posted In: Research

CHART: Price Increases Pop…Again!

January 26, 2022 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

In our latest market update video we discussed the buyer panic to find housing right now.  With this sudden increase in the buyer pool, home prices are again finding their way upward as bidding wars ensue.  The chart below shows house price increases on a month-over-month basis (blue bars) and the 12-month moving moving average (black line).  While recent months have leaned toward moderation at less than 1.00%, December’s increase is dramatic by comparison:   Rising interest rates, or the threat of them, have brought demand forward.  To make matters […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – January 2022 – The Buyer Scramble

January 22, 2022 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Get the latest charts and graphs showing Utah’s remarkable real estate market trends.  Broker Jeremy Peterson offers a break down of current market dynamics and how buyers and sellers are adapting.  

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Posted In: Research

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