JUST SOLD! Rebooted Ogden Fourplex

Published On: February 1, 2024 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson
We just closed on the sale of this unique fourplex located on Jefferson Ave. in Ogden. The building, located at 2364 Jefferson Ave, was once a magnificent historic home that had been converted into a fourplex property. Sadly, in 2002, some neighborhood kids lit the building on fire and it gutted the building. The home sold that year for about $35,000 and the owner completely rebuilt the structure around the old shell. There are many hints of the original home still left.
We listed this property just a few days before Christmas for $675,000. The building is over 4,900 SQFT and all four units were rented and bringing in $5,064 in rents each month. Within hours of listing the property, we had multiple inquiries. Several hours later we received a full price cash offer.
The buyers did their inspections and we ultimately ended up closing at list price with the seller crediting the buyer for a few repairs.
Congrats to our sellers! If you have a multi-unit property that you need to sell, give me a call and let’s put a gameplan together.