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TENANT DAMAGES: Serving Justice to the Damage-Prone

October 4, 2016 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Every landlord wants to make sure that their property is being treated adequately by tenants.  So, when assessing the risk that a tenant might behave poorly, landlords look to several tools to help them weed out the bad actors.  Credit and past rental references go a long way toward establishing the good character of a tenant.  A healthy security deposit acts as a financial incentive to induce good performance by a tenant. But,  while these tools work to reduce the risk, they cannot eliminate it entirely.   With that in mind, we recently […]

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PHOTO GALLERY:  Wacky Scenes From The Housing Market – July 2016

July 28, 2016 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Shopping for homes with my clients is often an adventure.  Here are some memories you will enjoy: When an immovable object meets an irresistible force. Which came first?  The tree?  Or the garage?   When you rent your home to the Incredible Hulk.   This has lazy written all over it.  Too lazy to texture the sheetrock seams so they just nailed up trim strips to cover them.  Then too lazy to tape off the trim so they just sprayed popcorn texture all over it.  Ugh!   Now that is […]

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PHOTO GALLERY:  Wacky Scenes From the Housing Market – April 2016

April 30, 2016 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

While viewing many homes so far this year, I have seen a lot of interesting things.  I think you will find a few of them interesting too.   This is a view of a rental unit after a tenant moved out.  At least this tenant left their trash organized in a pile on one side of the room.  It was also thoughtful of them to leave the window open to air out the space…in March…with the furnace turned all the way up…for a week. For a St. Patrick’s Day celebration, […]

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PHOTO GALLERY:  Wacky Scenes From The Housing Market – November 2015

November 30, 2015 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Just when you thought you had seen it all… When staging your home for sale, put away your creepy clown masks, or close the closet door…or both.   Need to use the bathroom? It’s a lot easier to make a convenient pit stop on your way to the basement.  Doors, you say?  Who needs doors?   Ummm…..   The only think missing here is marinara sauce.   This is how you know your handiman purchased the EXACT amount of flooring material to do the job…but still not enough to do the […]

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FOR SALE:  Historic Two-Story Craftsman Home

October 26, 2015 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

I just listed this amazing example of Craftsman architecture located at 515 24th St. in Ogden, Utah.  The home was originally the residence of the minister for the Presbyterian Church next door.  The church is no longer there and the home was sold long ago to the current owners.  But, current owners have lived in the property for over 50 years and it shows in the integrity of the original woodwork, casings, fireplace, and other fine finishes.   Unfortunately, the owner lost the ability to update and keep up the […]

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