Browsing Posts From: Research

STONE HILL:  Peak Speculation?

October 19, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The Stone Hill subdivision in Ogden has completed build out. What was once the site of the 1970’s dystopian concrete bunker version of Dee Elementary school is now a new neighborhood of avant-garde two story hamlets. With tile exteriors and geometroid porch awnings, the eclectic construction has been popular among buyers seeking refuge in Ogden’s historic urban center. Since this project was city sponsored and list prices were derived from both market forces and government administrative rules, a lottery system was used to determine the lucky buyers who would be […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – October 2021 – Market Break Out or Freak Out?

October 12, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Change within the real estate market is slow moving. But its impulses can be felt even if the ultimate outcome is in the distance. This month we share the the lastest charts and graphs and some of the interesting dynamics at play.  Some indicators run contrary to what we would expect to see in the current market.  Find out which ones those are and what we can expect in the future.    If you are in the market to sell your home, be sure to give me a call at […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – August 2021 – Market Top?  Volume Drop!

August 16, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Broker Jeremy Peterson offers a deep dive into current Northern Utah market dynamics with plenty of charts and analysis to boot. Have questions about the market? Comment below or give Jeremy a call at 801-390-1480  

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Posted In: Research

CHART OF THE DAY: Market Top? Or Plateau?

August 2, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The bulk of July sales data is in and the trend is looking very interesting this summer in Weber County real estate.  While current price per square foot is significantly higher than July of last year, the month over month figures appear to show a flattening in price increases.  I will have a video update in mid-August after CPI figures are released.  But just a casual first glance at this chart tells us that we are at an inflection point in the market.  Will price per square foot drop?  Is […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – Unsustainable Extremes

June 17, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The real estate market is reaching extremes that are unsustainable. Is a price collapse eminent? No. But other discomfort might be. Find out what might be coming.

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – The Urge to Surge

May 12, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Here is the latest market update with the best charts and graphs you will find for our market.  A lot of energy in the market right now.  Check it out!

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – March 2021 – The Market Broke My Charts!

March 23, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Its been wild watching the market movements happening over the past several months.  This month is no exception!  

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – February 2021 – Sales Surprises

February 17, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The market is doing some strange things with prices soaring and sales slumping.  Meanwhile, homes under contract appear to be going missing.  What’s going on?  Find out!

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – January 2021 – House Market Roaring

January 18, 2021 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

The past 12 months were like nothing we have seen in Northern Utah in over 25 years.  Here is a video explaining what made 2020’s real estate market so wild and crazy.   If you want to find out what your home is worth in today’s market, give me a call.

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Posted In: Research

CHART:  Weber County Residential Lot Values

December 31, 2020 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

House prices have been on a tear for years now along the Wasatch Front.   New construction is in high demand as housing supply has not kept up with population growth.  Since land prices are a component of the cost of new construction, I thought it was time to take a look at the value of lots in Weber County and see how they were trending. Here is today’s chart on this subject:   This chart represents the price per acre of residential lots sold in Weber County from 1995-2020.  The […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO:  Northern Utah Real Estate Market Update – August 2020 – Price Explosion

August 4, 2020 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Broker Jeremy Peterson explains the unprecedented surge in house prices in Weber County Utah and reveals what is happening behind the headline housing numbers.

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Agent vs. Lender – Jeremy Peterson Interview with Ron Pippin and Taylor Archibald

July 24, 2020 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Thanks to Ron Pippin and Taylor Archibald with Cardinal Mortgage for hosting me on their Agent vs. Lender Podcast.  We discuss property management, current real estate market conditions, Ogden history, talk about historic homes, tell war stories, and more.  Check it out.  

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Posted In: Research

CHARTS: House Listing Inventory Drought Is Sellers’ Delight

February 24, 2020 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Listing inventory of homes for sale has been a persistent problem for buyers over the past several years.  While the pattern of available homes follows a predictable seasonal cycle that troughs in the winter and peaks in the summer, some years are better or worse than others.   Today we want to look at a chart that illustrates the severe drought we are facing in Weber County when it comes to homes on the market for sale.  Let’s take a look.     This information comes from the MLS and […]

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Posted In: Research

2020 Utah Housing Market Forecast

January 27, 2020 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Last year the University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute made some predictions about the direction of the housing market.  Meanwhile, we made our own.   Here is how things turned out:   2019 Predictions: Weber County House Prices KGPI : +10% Vesta:  +3% What Actually Happened: +10.1%   Sales Volume KGPI: +4% Vesta: -5% What Actually Happened:  +1.5%   Last year we thought that increasing interest rates would put a sag into sales and cap prices somewhat.  Our predictions failed as interest rates surprisingly dropped back to historic lows.   This year the housing […]

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Posted In: Research

VIDEO: Northern Utah Real Estate Prices Rising While Payments Falling?

October 16, 2019 Posted by: Jeremy Peterson

Watch as we discuss the strange happenings in Northern Utah’s real estate market as mortgage payments are falling faster than house prices are rising. Charts included!    

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Posted In: Research

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